Ok, ok, we're a good three months out from the Nativity, but the stormy days of early spring often need a pick-me-up involving chocolate and ambrosia. Today is definitely one of those days.
What makes The Christmas Crack so special? Maybe it's the image of my Great Aunt Vera Kate in her housecoat and hairnet boiling the butter and brown sugar on winter afternoons, the smell of ambrosia punctuated by "whoa there, stovetop" and "hot damn, y'all, this smells good."
Or maybe this stuff is just freaking awesome.
You start by layering some buttery Club crackers on the bottom of a pan:
And then add some freshly made ambrosia and chocolate baking chips, like so:
Then, after freezing and cracking the concoction, you get something like this little bundle of delicious:
Ohhhhh yum.
8x8 inch baking pan
1 sleeve Club crackers
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 stick unsalted butter
1 cup chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Grease 8x8 pan with butter and layer two layers of club crackers on the bottom.
3. Bring brown sugar and butter to a boil on the stovetop. Once they are at a boil, reduce heat and stir three to four minutes or until the sugar is dissolved in the butter and a fragrant ambrosia is formed.
4. Pour the ambrosia evenly over the club crackers.
5. Bake the ambrosia-covered crackers for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
6. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the hot mixture and spread until melted and even.
7. Freeze for one hour. Crack the "Christmas Crack" apart and devour.
Happy spring, y'all!