Saturday, December 29, 2012

Honey Lime Shredded Chicken Panini with Lime Butter and Pepper Jack Cheese

What a long post title, huh? But this sandwich is a killer.

I had some lime butter left over from steak sandwiches I made yesterday as well as some day-old ciabatta bread, and thought that this would be an excellent night to try out a new honey-lime chicken recipe that I had been mulling in my mind for a few days.

First of all, I picked off about a third of the pan of honey-lime chicken before it made it onto the sandwiches... which I do not regret. When mixed with the pepper jack and lime butter, however, the flavors are even more pronounced and delicious.

Ok. NOT the most glamorous-looking sandwich I've ever made... but hungry company cut this photoshoot short and this is the best I can offer. Note that one hungry sandwich-monger added turkey bacon to his sandwich.

Honey-Lime Shredded Chicken, Pepper Jack and Lime Butter Panini

2 chicken breasts shredded or cut into very small pieces
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey
juice of 2/3 of one lime
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon Old Bay Herb & Garlic seasoning
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
lime zest
juice of 1/3 of one lime
4 slices ciabatta bread
2 slices pepper jack cheese

1. Combine soy sauce, honey, juice of 2/3 of one lime, 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 teaspoon Old Bay Herb & Garlic seasoning and two chicken breasts in a small covered bowl or a Ziploc bag. Marinate for at least one hour, preferably overnight.
2. Combined 4 tablespoons unsalted softened butter, 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic, roughly 1/4 teaspoon lime zest and the juice of 1/3 of one lime. Refrigerate until needed.
3. Sautee shredded chicken until browned and fragrant. Set aside.
4. Lightly butter both sides of all 4 slices of ciabatta bread with lime butter. In a saucepan over medium heat, toast the buttered ciabatta bread until crisp. 
5. Add more lime butter to taste -- I added about another 3/4 tablespoon per sandwich -- as well as one slice of pepper jack cheese and cooked honey-lime chicken. Return panini to heat so that the butter and cheese may melt.
6. Serve immediately and hot.

Enjoy your small slice of summer in the wintry weather!


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